Sunday, April 22, 2012

New adventure and Giveawy!

Wow! I cant believe its been nearly 2 months since I have blogged anything. Life certainly has a way of taking over. Well I must apologize for my like of enthusism in sharing with you all the great finds, deals, tutorials and reviews regarding all that makeup and beauty products has to offer. I do plan to get back into the swing of things.

With that I wanted to share with you about a new adventure I have taken on. Over the past few months I have attempted to return to work. I have found it extremely difficult to find a reliable, self-efficient company that is willing to pay me for what I am worth. I understand the economy is bad but please don't insult me by offering me a position with a salary that I received 12 years ago. Its beyond ridiculous. So after a long bout of soul searching I have realized that I am better off working for myself.  Once I realized that I pondered on what should I do. So after doing hours of research into home based companies I finally made a decision on Party Gals. The main reason for this is it is a great company, fun product that I could sell to anyone. Im not restricted and as we all know sex sells. So with that please take a moment to support me in my new adventure. I still plan to bring you all the latest regarding makeup tip, etc...but this will just enhance who I am and help provide for my family.

So as a thank you to all of you I have decided to "RING THE BELL" on my business by doing a giveaway. Follow the steps below and you will be automatically entered for the drawing. GOOD LUCK!

Amanda :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway